Hello and welcome! If you’ve found your way here, you likely attended my Social Media Camp workshop, Climb Into the Content Clubhouse, a session designed to help you find and craft content ideas. Whether you’re a blogger, a livestreamer or a staffer in charge of the company newsletter, I hope you learned lots to help you with your content planning.
Did you get a copy of the handout?
I went old school for this workshop with a printed handout. As I likely said in the room, I’m an advocate for analog! If you’d like a digital copy, grab the Idea Lab handout here.
Sample Inspiration Resources
Throughout the workshop, I mentioned various resources that can help you identify potential content ideas. Here are a few visuals to further develop the idea:
Mind Maps
Blank paper and a pen or sharpie are all you need to capture ideas in relation to one another with a mind map. IF you prefer, you Mind Meister or a similar tool to make digital mind maps.
Thought Cloud
Thought clouds let you gather a variety of digital words to look for patterns. Wordle helps you speedily create beautiful thought clouds.
Wonder question books
Put “question book” into the search bar of an online bookstore and you’ll find thoughts of books filled with questions! The books I brought to share at Social Media Camp included:
Inspiration decks
The inspiration decks I shared included:
- Derek Walter’s Mahjong Deck
- John August’s Writer Emergency Pack
- Roger von Oech’s Creative Whack Pack
- Violette Clark’s Artists Deck
- Tim Porter’s Stormdeck
Happy Idea Hunting
I wish you every success with your content planning journey. Identify the topics and formats you love. Create great content to share your passion. And move those ideas around. And, please, let me know how you’re doing! I want to see the great content you create. ~Angela