Digital Cleanse Day 28:
Take a Digital Vacation

Got it?
(If you missed yesterday’s installment, take a couple extra minutes to explore Sleep. For links to the complete Digital Cleanse series, click here.)
Write. Teach. Organize.
Got it?
(If you missed yesterday’s installment, take a couple extra minutes to explore Sleep. For links to the complete Digital Cleanse series, click here.)
Sleep. If you sleep, you’ll be a better writer and a better business person. When you’re well-rested you communicate your ideas more clearly, get more done time in less time and make fewer digital mistakes.
Personally, I know its time to stop writing when I start mixing up my homonyms. You’ll have to trust me that I know the difference between there, their and they’re. Ditto for its and it’s. But odds are if I’ve goofed, I was sleep-deprived when I wrote it. To paraphrase Oliver Twist, “sleep/ glorious, sleep/ what wouldn’t we give for/ that extra bit more.”
Do you know your tired-triggered errors? We’ve all done it. Pushed send on an email and only then realizing we’ve quoted the wrong price. Uh oh! Or tweeted an auto-correct blunder. Or tagged the wrong person. Or posted a personal post on a business page. Oops!
Do you touch-type? I learned to type without looking at the keyboard in Grade 9. To type correctly, I start with my fingers on A S D F and J K L ; – easy if you know how. But it’s also easy to goof and put your fingers on Q W E R and U I O P, one row about the correct position. If you’ve learned to touch-type you might be a couple paragraphs in before you look at the screen. Yes, I’ve done this. My excuse: I was tired.
If you happened to notice a typo on my website, I welcome your edits. Just pop me and email with the link and the correction. It can happen to anyone. I, for one, will be glad to right the wrong.
This is also a good time to think about how you handle the public’s feedback on your content. Can you handle the criticism? It’s not always easy to accept the feedback with good grace. A well-rested writer can handle criticism more easily. And fewer mistakes happen if they get a solid night’s sleep.
Sometimes there’s a difference of opinion about what’s correct. That’s why the print edition of the Chicago Manual of Style (16th Edition) is 1026 pages long. Or 1035 if you include the table of contents. Or 1041 if you include the preface and the acknowledgements. See what I mean?
So, as best you can sleep more and you’ll enjoy the benefits of fewer digital mistakes.
More on the 30 day #digitalcleanse tomorrow. Hope to see you then!
(If you missed yesterday’s installment, take a couple extra minutes to explore Work with Your Security Blankie. For links to the complete Digital Cleanse series, click here.)
Confession time … how many emails are in your inbox? Be honest. At least with yourself.
Today, I have 289 items. That’s on the high-side for me. I’m not too worried but I must admit it stresses me out a little. I won’t let those messages hang around for long. By comparison, my husband has just 12 items and an friend (who wishes to remain anonymous) has more than 75,000. How does your inbox compare?
Email overload is a huge problem. And it’s hard to control. Spam is a problem even with an excellent spam filter. Then there’s any email you’ve subscribed too. Plus all the group emails with the {shudder} reply all phenomenon. And the social media notifications. Let alone the legitimate emails from individuals.
To deal with the mess, I combined my own digital cleanse quest with strategies learned from Steve Dotto plus my interpretation of email bankruptcy. Each time I open my email I do the following things:
As part my digital cleanse, I deal with email during two or three set times each day. My first check usually happens while I enjoy my morning cup of tea. And then I check again after lunch. If I’ve got lots of “to read” messages leftover from step five, I’ll add an evening email reading session, too. I’m also clear on my response times. This gives my work a healthy sense of urgency without a trace of panic.
I also do a bit of weekly email maintenance. I review my inbox for missed messages from VIP senders. I also delete or archive anything that was overlooked during the week. It’s also a time to reflect on my current subscriptions. If I’m several issues behind on a particular email newsletter, I unsubscribe. I also look for email notifications from social networks. In general, I have turned off notifications but those sneaky programmers often turn on new ones that set to send by default.
One my biggest takeaways from Steve Dotto’s Three Steps to Inbox Zero course was the notion of a single, searchable archive. Having used email regularly since 1993, I was in the old-school habit of creating nested folders for all my archived messages. As per Steve’s advice, I now use a a single folder to archive any email I need to keep. In two years, I’ve archived just 2,934 messages. It’s amazing what you don’t need to keep. And wonderfully easy when you can search that single archive, as needed.
My next big step is to embrace the concept of email bankruptcy. I first learned this concept from Howard Jang, now Professor of Professional Practice at Simon Fraser University. While on vacation, Howard sets a friendly but firm out-of-office auto-reply. Something along the lines of “I’m on vacation until April 22, 2018. When I get back I’ll be deleting all messages in my inbox. If you need to reach me, please resend your message on or after April 23.” Brilliant!
I’ve also heard of people using January 1st as email bankruptcy day. They start the new year with an empty inbox. Friends and colleagues learn that anything unresolved from the previous year has to be resent if it’s still relevant. So often it’s no longer relevant! I haven’t had the courage to do a full delete but I have done a couple trial runs by deleting the majority of messages from an over-run reply all thread. So far, I haven’t missed anything important.
To make email work for you, you’ve got to have a system. You’re welcome to use mine as a starting point. I encourage you to adapt it to your work style.
More on the 30 day #digitalcleanse tomorrow. Hope to see you then!
(If you missed yesterday’s installment, take a couple extra minutes to explore Say No. Just No. Practice. For links to the complete Digital Cleanse series, click here.)